Health and Fitness

Is this important thing missing from your health and fitness routine?

For a lot of us, there is a very important thing missing from our health and fitness routines. But it’s easy to fix.

Tim Wells
5 min readMar 13, 2023


First of all, let me say right up front that I am not a health professional and what I suggest here is based on my own observations. It may not work for others like it has for me, but it’s something to consider.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

For a lot of us, our daily lives are spent working in an office in front of computer screens. We spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, or sitting in a car, or sitting on a lounge. Those of us who do make the time to get in some exercise often do so by hitting a gym.

If this is you, then that’s awesome! Keep up the good work. I don’t want to discourage you at all, but it’s possible you’re still missing an important aspect of health and fitness. It’s perhaps a bit controversial, but here it is.


Photo by Matti Johnson on Unsplash

Yeah, you read it correctly. Sunlight.

