Does Fedora Silverblue fix the biggest problem Linux has?

Is it possible the Fedora Silverblue distro has solved the biggest problem preventing the “year of the Linux desktop”?

Tim Wells
7 min readJan 6, 2022

I’ve said in the past that the biggest problem hindering Linux from reaching the often mentioned “year of the Linux desktop” is also something that is often touted as one of the biggest benefits of Linux.

It’s choice. After all, there are thousands of possible distributions of Linux and each distribution has various versions. There are many different desktop environment choices and so on. You can choose what’s right for you and that, seemingly, is a big plus.

But looking at this from a commercial software developers point of view (think Adobe or Bethesda or other big developers), the thought of testing and supporting potentially thousands of distros, each with different versions of core libraries their software might use. It’s a testing and support nightmare.

Even if they were to narrow it down and say we provide support only for running our software on Ubuntu (for example), they could anticipate backlash and lots of support requests from people on various other distros. (“But my distro is based on Ubuntu” etc). They see any potential profits (which are slim from the Linux…

