Member-only story

Early one morning, recently, I had driven to a local forest and sat down by the river for a while looking for things to photograph. During my time there I was visited by a bush turkey. Such an event is not uncommon here, as they like to scavenge for food dropped accidentally (or on purpose). I however, had no food to drop and this turkey soon lost interest and moved on, or at least, so I thought.
I got up and made a move to one of the lesser traveled trails through this part of the forest and was slowly walking along the trail, keeping an eye out for more things to photograph when I heard a noise from behind me. The typical horror movie type of thing where a stick cracks and you look around in fright to find…. a turkey.
Wait… what?!
That’s right, the turkey had followed me and caught up to me. I greeted it and playfully scolded it for having startled me and then kept on my way. This is where it got strange though.
The turkey ran out onto the path ahead of me and trotted along the path in front of me, much like a dog might do. When I stopped to look at something or to take a photo, it would stop and wait. Then when I resumed, it would also resume walking just in front of me. This carried on for a while with the turkey stopping and waiting when I stopped and then continuing on when I did and as we walked together I, for lack of better…