52 project 2023 — #1 — Mostly white

Tim Wells
2 min readJan 8, 2023

The first topic on my fifty-two photo project for this year was (for some strange reason) “mostly white”.

Mostly white was a topic that I found rather challenging. We don’t have snow here ever so I can’t just walk out the door and take a snowy landscape photo and call it done. Besides. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and find something else to do.

After trying a number of ideas, most of which I wasn’t really very happy with, I finally decided on the photo I will upload for this topic. So here it is.

Mostly white — photo by the author

I used white paper under and behind the glass and a flash off to the side to light. I shot a burst of photos as I poured the milk into the glass to capture the best splash I could in the glass.

Finally, here is a few of the other shots taken for this topic.

If you’re following along with my 52 photo project, the next topic is “Looking up”.




Tim Wells
Tim Wells

Written by Tim Wells

Self taught software developer and photographer.

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